Customs information

Customs information

Duty Free Allowances

Canadians heading to the United States

1 Liter of Alcohol, 1 Carton of Cigarettes and other merchandise

US duty rates on purchases exceeding 1 liter of alcohol are assessed according to alcohol content.

Products other than alcohol and tobacco may also require a duty payment.

If you are Canadian, when you return to Canada you may be asked to pay the regular taxes and duties on the value of items over your customs allowance. Be aware that many items qualify for reduced or zero duty.

Canadians Returning to Canada

Duration of stay Amount CAD Alcohol Tabacco
+ 24 hours 200 $ * *
+ 48 hours 800 $ 1.14 L of Liquor or
1.5 L of Wine or
1 case of beer (24)
200 cigarettes +
50 cigars or cigarillos

U.S. Citizens Returning to the United States

Duration of stay Amount USD Alcohol Tabacco Frequency of trips
Any Trip $ 200 * * Daily
+ 48 hours $ 800 1 L of Liquor or
1 case or beer (24)
200 cigarettes +
100 cigars

* Subject to duties and taxes

Visit to consult the regulations that are in effect.